hua wen.
kmli blogged at 10/30/2005 02:00:00 PM completed. yawns.
i want oh-so-much to go back and sleeeeep just for a lil while more, before i go for sch...but...shall i)practice my speech for rehearsals later -perhaps digg out my script first. and ii)read news to keep awake. i found my thumbdrive. and init is a song originally chosen for lit anthology. TIM MCGRAW LYRICS -Eyes Of A Woman- He was rough, he was tough And he drank his whiskey straight He would fight every night if he didn't get his way She was kind She could find all the good in everyone And then one day she passes his way He felt reborn in that morning sun And saw her face, she called his name And from that moment he knew he'd never be the same What you can find in the eyes of a woman Is a reason to believe Look deep inside the eyes of a woman See the man you want to be I'd been down Kicked around The world had got the best of me Out of rope Little hope I'd ever get back on my feet She took my hand, said yes you can One look at her and I'm a brand-new man What you can find in the eyes of a woman Is a reason to believe Look deep inside the eyes of a woman See the man you wanna be When I feel the need for inspiration With just one look I've found my salvation What you can find in the eyes of a woman Is a reason to believe Look deep inside the eyes of a woman See the man you wanna be [x4] just thought it reminds me of my dad. though he didnt 'drink every night'. fights...guess so? since he was like the rebel/play soccer, dont study/dress hip act cool/get into trouble kind. i think mum must have had that effect on him. hoho. oh. they met at some christmas bbq which dad says he would have missed cos he woke up late and wanted to just sleep somemore and not go. hm...pon-nage brings no gd things. well, for somethings i guess. kmli blogged at 10/26/2005 08:44:00 AM Mahathir
His sense of rectitude in telling Malaysians that they should swallow the equivalent of so many pills a day in their own interest conjures up the image of medical infallibility translated to politics. ah..beautifully put. =)
kmli blogged at 10/25/2005 07:32:00 PM 407...=)
netball carn's over. 407 experienced a rebirth, that was long overdue =] i shall give a more emotional entry proclaiming my love for the sevens soon. by default - soon currently means "after hmt ao's exams" - comprehensive? well...tomorrow, the keralites are coming. I want to go join them, and thus, Ms Ko, you have to let me skip a little bit of farewell assembly rehearsal. I will still come down for my speech! i just think receiving awards and hugging form teachers is quite managable! don't make me rehearse? can? heh. oh. and i just landed a journalism-like task. i'm writing the farewell assem. article for school mag. joy? nah, not venturing into journalism in the future, i think, though steph sees oh-so-much potential init. i havn't started studying for chinese. because i havn't finished lit reviews for ss. oh. bible quiz was on sunday. hm...was very proud of our class. like, last minute also can get second for both categories, we are just pro. open round was so easy. all bible reference. frankly, for all those 'memory' questions, just bluffed my way through. well, at least i was..ahem...brave enough to just anyhow answer right? because, logic goes that being conservative doesnt help anyone/yourself. main purpose is to answer in such a way that i)you don't get marks deducted 2)just stand up so you claim that question.doesn't matter full marks anot. you answer get 1/4 mark, other classes also cannot answer mah right? then the grp category ah, i wrote extra for fruits of the spirit. so marks were deducted. didn't state in the rules...-.- then samuel for once said he found the answer like super fast. turned out to be wrong. so we got lowest in that category. i think our class is so cool, i mean, we didnt 'lose it' to go all the way out to winwinwin. we just played cool, acted retardedly and mumbled crap to pull through. it's the 'style' la. so sleek. was telling wengwoh that i don't really mind the guys now, since time has proven that they are actually quite nice and quite bearable. confessed i really used to detest them. sec one that time so act cool! almost every lesson i felt annoyed but i thought it was such an irony to dislike my ss classmates la. so, i worked a bit on it, and somehow, the boys also grew to be nicer la. and ww, it might be touching, but it is not in any way a means to swell up your ego la. your acting is quite funny, i mean people laugh but, cos you look so uniquely spastic. what to do? hm. subject combis are driving me crazy. above anything else, I am very afraid of not doing well. i mean, i want straight As. what if i let loose halfway. i need motivation. regarding guizhou and china, i'm not going anymore. my parents' attitude have taken on a strange turn and everything's been weird. I've been feeling weird, but feeling so strongly for the trip as well. But! really, after talking to steph, [hah, i was asked for an interview.] i really won't care anymore. I'll just leave it to be, because I can't hide that other feeling anymore; that God has a better plan somehow. sometime. It's been so much easier since that moment of acceptance. though there's still that tiny bit of remaining ache. 407's come very far, Y4 has come so far, and i think everyone has grown. As a person, I have definitely changed. For the longterm better or worse, it's extremely subjective, but I know that as i let God guide me thru this messed up world, somehow, there have been pinches of goodness added in. and in the long run, maybe, those positive traits will amplify themselves into bigger doings that will impact. bcme. am i still back to this? literature. why am i thinking of you suddenly. thought i denounced you into outer space ready. sigh. why is math back in my life. i just passed for vectors and matrices. and this is like one of the two topics i actually got down to 'practice' for! annoyance! my chemical experiement with lunch worked out fabulous today. chem was fun. i'm really glad how all my options turned out by the way. re: 407. seriously. i don't want to analyse/say anything at this moment. i was just extremely quiet during netball carn, aside frm the cheering and occasional encouragement to individuals, cos half the time, i felt like just hugging the whole world and crying. but must play matches mah, how to hug them. because it was such a dream come true, i just retreated and basked in the whole atmosphere. you know, so many times, as a vchair, i have to be constantly putting on a performance, showing enthusiasm to get things going, showin firmness in decisionmaking...[not that i disliked that, i enjoyed workin for such a potential-ful class]! On the 21st, 407 took over the stage. they handled the stage operations, they took over the communication systems. the temptation for me to just adjourn to the circle seats, to just watch and smile was ohso-there. such joy and love is ohso-fragile. and i want to just let-it-be, a lil longer, a lil longer still, before we have to part. so, for a few more days, i'll be majorly ineloquent, minorly mute. im satisfied just seeing so much. it's a visual feast. since i've talked so much, i shall hold back a lil, lest you guys get sick of my voice =) but tell me, dont you feel empowered? yea! the lines belonged to you. take the script, go on with the action. i can be...a virtual director. [ like sandra's virtual mobile boyfriend- no la.excuse the analogy] im the most blessed vchair. thx guys. kmli blogged at 10/25/2005 08:44:00 AM Dear Lord.
I pray for the millions of homeless survivors of the South Asia quake. Lord, keep the crying children save, let them feel your comforting hand upon them as they are operated on, without anesthesia, without painkillers. Lord, I pray for the parents, who are holding on fast, for their children. I pray for the parents who are giving up food rations for their young children. Please just take care of that old lady weeping by the roadside. Tell her not all is lost, as it seems. Lord, do you see that guy being carried out of the rubble on a stretcher? You know whether he's dead or alive. I pray you keep relief workers safe, as lootings and brawls are bound to increase by the second. Calm the people. It sounds stupid to stay calm in such devastation, but Lord, you are the only one capable of that, with your awesome, peaceful nature. Lord, you see those eyes with looks of desperation and fear. You know the people; the corpses, the trapped, the mourning, the hungry, the thirsty, the bleeding, you know them by name. Could you just place a hand on their cheeks, and wipe that tear drop away. far away. Lord, You are ever watchful over each of your lambs.
kmli blogged at 10/18/2005 02:19:00 PM sunday.wk 6.
[1] jerry from singapore idol came to tz, representing 'focus on family', to talk abt family, now and future. only managed to catch the after 2.30 bits. not bad =] [2] took measurements for f.a.m. gown. not really bothered. i thank God for an enthusiastic mother and mother's friend, who's handmaking my dress. [3] look. i just completed this.i can't believe i got caught for drinking in class. so sad. It was an empty drink packet. I was caught in a compromising position, squeezing the after scent of the drink towards my mouth–because as stupid as I do sound, the Yeo's peach tea drink has a strong scent additive. I demonstrated by squeezing and flattening out the packet to show the drink was totally finished-before I even entered the classroom-on-da-spot. I had been lazy (I'm sorry) to dispose of the packet at the dustbins at the far ends of the canteen and wanted to keep the carton for recording the preservatives for Consumer Chemistry Class. One would never drink in full view of a class prefect, a Discipline Head in class, and I vow never to bring any more packet drinks, even if they are empty carton up to the classroom again. I would like to maintain this clean record area of 4 years. well, it was a joy narrating the truth. [4] matriculation day coming. i havn't madeup my mind [5] netball carn and class dinner coming. bond, 407, bond. enjoy urselves, really. [6] mum is upset cos sis made an insensitive remark. dad took her for a walk. sis says mum converted dad as well, and so, probably, both my parents are upset with the TWo of us now. argh. i have no time for dinner talks okay. wait till november, i'll have a little more time to spare you. [7] i want to go guizhou. and africa eventually. [8] i'm uber afraid of math test on wednesday. it's the last chance to do smthing to my gpa. [9] options assessments coming. please give me a gd grade. i need them, cos my gpa's already low. give me some face please, generally during class, i give all my teachers a lot of face also. reciprocate! [10] holiday schedules are in a mess. i want news of my work attachment. asap. cos when my schedule is not concretized, i am very unsettled emotionally, and it's very disturbing. [11] sushi tonight. very good. [12] who wants to donate to pakistan earthquake. please tell me. PAKISTANI EARTHQUAKE RELIEF FUND. [13] im very stressed, just very flustered. for no concrete reason. exactly cos of that. urgh. why do i end on 13. God loves you everyone.
kmli blogged at 10/17/2005 11:34:00 AM directspeech
1st mistake steph made - im not sure about the headlines. what i was saying was what they were shouting out. they were shouting out like 'don't let the straits times deceive you...' blahblah. evidently, steph was too quick to register the words i spoke in another category, cos of excitment maybe. impulse. ------------------------------------------------------------- thinking back, i was thinking it hurts me to see them having to sell a copy at $2 each. cannot even afford free distribution. all the more i might see this as charity - towards liberating the political scene in Singapore. i hope people agree/see/Notice that TST is more or less the only 'real' newspaper around. i mean, after the NKF saga, it should be apparent. btw, i think Durai did not deserve such harsh criticisms. for many reasons. just to list down a few i)at a most basic level, the public shld understand that his pay has to be endorsed/approved by the company, the board. so it's not entirely his fault. ii)not that quantity washes over his deed but, basically, many charity organisations are corrupted. sometimes it's apparent to the naked eye. sometimes, it is not. but what is unseen exists. iii)TT Durai has done a gd job! in terms of skill and devotion, he's a pretty gd coporate leader. if we have demerits, roll out the credits. maybe it stems from sympathy as well - seeing him bashed in parliament. what's the use of all those emotive words, sprinkle a handful to spice up ur speech maybe, but his future is evidently quite doomed locally. he's been branded a cheat, a con, almost criminal. it's informal exile ready. second, i agree with steph. the sha1yi1jing2bai3 policy is a lil heavy handed. at the end of the day Singapore still feels...let me use a parallel if we are birds used to living in a metal cage, a false sense of freedom/liberalisation would be like exchanging the metal cage for a netting. the holes are big, but u never get thru them. tian1 wang3 hui1 hui1, shu1 er2 bu2 lou4. no doubt, we shld feel grateful for any progress of this sort, but sometimes, it takes on a reverse effect - just like in inverse matrices. u just feel disheartened, breathless. even though those 'airholes' are so 'huge'. if ms lee kim lan is still in rgs/if im still in contact with her- i bet u i will email and keep in contact with her. it's always interesting and valuable to have discussions with the older people. people who deny themselves such chances because they feel they are super-modernized are primitive in cognitive maturity i tell you. anyways, about the JI thing in Indonesia. it's not so simple. such stuff is super tricky. of course, it can only be a name that does not stand for true Islam. but look. the name is not the issue. Who says it is? basically, JI does not operate by name! it teaches what's not true Islam, and it aims to operate under the name of Islam! so if anything is the main issue, it is not the name. just like in 1984 - i love the book by the way. names and words cannot take away the 'spirit'. ------------------------------------------------------------- oh, about 1984, i know the ending and im not finishing the book. it's too dystopic. just felt that reading would not safe Winston anyway. bleah. but the whole ideological theory behind it is. fabulously-weaved out. excellent workmanship. i like. the delivery blows my mind. superb. george orwell =] do i sound like a nerd. ------------------------------------------------------------- On to feminism. im not a feminist. there are certain things i feel are 'not fair'. at the same time, i recognise that nothing is 'fair'. but atop of these all, i think i believe in the 'action' in alleviating such 'unfairness' - to make it more 'fair'. however. it is tricky not to mess up cultures, traditions. discrimination and prejudices exist everywhere. but what is the difference between that and 'unfairness' and 'oppression'? sometimes, i think sitting back and just lamenting and debating abt women oppression shows even more oppression than awareness. that's why - walk the talk. and please. make sure u put on ur sneakers and walk the walk too! at the end of the day, there will always be backwashes on your every action. so it's not only thinking about solutions. u have to brain-gym to post solution operations. and you cannot have a single party pushing for changes. it is better to get the support of men too. only then, is there the liberation of BOTH sexes. believe me, the men are oppressed too. the most evident symptom surfaces when they feel it is ok for female oppression and when they feel they are Not oppressed. symptoms take many forms. so there is a neccessity for a joint diagnosis after joint examination. before you hurry to write up an MC. ------------------------------------------------------------ JOY. Don't you love tales about our mass rapid transit? this wonderful morning, me and my sis boarded the train and we were just yakking away.about somethings, i can't remember. this means those things were quite trivial and entertaining. so yes we were yakking. after 4 minutes, this malay. no. i don't want to be sued. this bajukurong clad lady tapped on my shoulder and said: " Excuse me, just now you knocked into my bag. i think the least you could do is to say sorry." Of course, RGS uniform clad, i apologised an "oh, sorry" with a smile. i was appalled. later, this malay girl came in and brushed past her handbag as well. she used Malay to tell her the same thing, for her to apologise. it being the Least she could do. goodness me. shengnan just reminded me. if she was in HongKong or Japan, probably, no one would care about her. they would just squeeze her further into the train cabin. if she's lucky, someone might glare at her or ask her to talk less - thereby depleting that limited supply of breathable air in the train. well. experience contributes to A Person. I loved An's blog entry! about how to tell a blind-from-birth man that he is blind and so on...[appaluse] i end here. just remembered i have tuition tonight again. revolting. i can't write on. one thing i feel strongly for - love what you do while you can. haiya.dowan to elaborate. kmli blogged at 10/13/2005 07:14:00 AM femur-talk
mr azahar is there wasn't ss. if only i knew, then i cld have gotten home even earlier. but, met shengnan on the way home and we had a...good? and conclusionless talk abt subject combi's and all those related stuff. matriculation day's here and have i made my decision? no. ["daddy!"] my thighs are cramming up once in many whiles. i think i do need that weekly dance lesson - just for stretches and all. the other time i sat down and worked 3 hours straight for an assignment. when i got up, the end of my 'femur' was aching. that bend between ur femur and ur...uh..isit pelvis. no. not pelvis.not so in. er..femur and...let's just say it's that end of the femur, not the femur-knee joint end. the other end. aiyah.wadever la.i think blood circulation was at a neverbefore low. then i suddenly remembered mrs deborah tan's femur-blahblahblah thing. so scary. so i told myself i would stretch daily. i rather overstretch than not stretch...but many times i forget. [sigh]to end, i think the scientific names for parts of the leg, bones and ligaments and joints are really nice. kmli blogged at 10/13/2005 05:04:00 AM a wednesday.
thereafter, it's homewardbound. i'll deal with mahathir and his malaysian politics for lit review - hopefully soon. did a draft for christmas script. i dont expect elda to reply so soon. and perhaps, andy too. so. so nothing. there are many things to look forward to, but it's a lot of hard work that comes with them. of course, there are always things you would wince at the thought at, but same applies; hard work is needed to pull though, to pull through 'well'. such is a synopsis of a real life. currently. i'll zap down to the cafeteria for a quick bite. it better not be choked with people. ohno! there's chinese tuition tonight. Ahh. see what i mean. kmli blogged at 10/13/2005 04:07:00 AM public transport systems.
[1] I’m annoyed with people who try to squeeze into the train before you alight. What I do is to tap that annoying commuter very gently, look straight at her and say, Please let me alight first. Not in the most polite of tones but, well, I tried. To avoid molesting guys, I'll just tell them. But because they don't get my tap and because I expect them to be a lil more composed and civilized, they may receive an 'I Need to alight' line. Not too bad still. It is deemed to be most-unfortunate when i) I am dead beat from school and all, not exactly in the best of moods ii) I have a big sch bag or I happen to be hugging files/books. I apologize when I roughly squeeze/ 'nudge' through the crowd of SMRT's valued commuters, perhaps scratching or knocking into them. My, they must have looked back with that self-righteous/ victimized look, look at that RGS girl! So…[well, at least I did not growl in a low 'excuse me'] [2] I'm annoyed with men who cannot close their legs when they sit. I don't expect that they self-discount whatever amount of masculinity they ooze-out by crossing their legs and sitting like a lady, But! I do not see their need to sit that way. I mean, since under RP, we take life science/ molecular biology/genomics instead of 'Organs and Body Parts' for biology, there might have been some biological conditions I have overlooked on my part, but, I think it is within my rights to just let you know, sir, that your sitting posture oozes out that sick air of chauvinism that is not exactly 'trendy' in this time and age. Be more considerate. [3] I'm also annoyed with boys, [I apologize to the remaining percentage of innocent male species] who look around to catch the eye of girls, and then look as if it was the girl’s fault for looking at them, because they are simply too 'cool' to miss, too attractive?!? How do I catch back your attention, look at you in the eye and tell you I was not planning to look at you, and it was not that I could not resist a glance at you! I am free to survey my environment by sight. They leave me feeling so annoyed, while they must be feeling justified, sighing contentedly that they know they look amazing, and that the mirror 'tells no lies'. Such Hideous non-truths! [4] Lastly, people who have no sense of their surroundings. [I regret to say this sentiment was dug up again, from the observation of a secondary sch boy.] Personally, I feel that 'alertness' or 'sharpness' is very important. Perhaps those are milder terms of 'vigilance'. Well. This boy was head-phoned, and was apparently oblivious to the excessive space to his right, and he just refused to move in! Perhaps, you're drowning in your own world of cultured music or whatever. But surely! If you are deaf, are you blind too? Yes, it's early in the morning, but, please, you don't have to lower yourself to 'that' level, where you look as if you still have half a leg in the doorway of lala-land, still drooling, while nodding off to your lullaby! In a society, having a 'life' is really, to bear the needs of others by 'doing the right thing'. Im quoting Aung San Suu Kyi; not Russell Peters. – what ss literature review has done to me. Ahh…im done =] I feel quite entertained. Comments? somehow, I feel that a tag board would provide only room for short 'tags', which I believe, is quite a waste of time. So, to avoid cultivating ill-feelings through my cold ‘in-attention’ to them, let’s leave that space blank, just as it is. [btw, steph, I'll never forget how the library metal pole thing was knocked over, and how the students were directing the 'screwin-back' of the thing! Managed to rescue it with physics principles?] kmli blogged at 10/07/2005 11:23:00 PM politics.
chee soon quan and his sis and party was distributing their party newspaper/magazine today at the station and underpass. but i think one copy is two dollars. wanted very much to buy, but, well, Mr Chee, you caught me at the wrong time. went to school late and therefore, didn't get my wallet -didn't need it today with my mum by my side. next time, maybe? "Don't let the Straits Times deceive you."...and a whole string of nicely constructed sentences. i like. so exciting. then, what got me really appalled was when this student dialled up to his/her mother and said, "Mum, the opposition party is selling papers, shouting i-dont-know-whats." coupled with the urgent tone and etc, i was just...uh, very surprised la. i mean, i don't want to frighten you by sounding as if i)i am a political animal or ii)i support the 'opposition'. well. what do you mean opposition party?!? i know Singapore's rather PAP-led. but, well, my point is..anyone can be an opposition party. They (SDP) are a legalized political party. They are called the Singapore Democratic Party. For the SDP, PAP would be the 'opposition' party, right? AND secondly. what? maybe i've misunderstooded the context in which your call was made. but, people sell papers, you have to call and tell your mum?'s the insecurity? But, due to what? Well. you know sometimes we have forums to talk about the resilence of youths. have a assumed wrongly that youths nowadays are generally more open, to things that may require their resilence? If that's a way to cope with out-of-comfort-zonal issues/ threats, we need not speak of resilence. was in the library, looking thru admission requirements for uni. hm. what do i want? or am i searching for what i seem to need? transition periods are always uncomfortable, i conclude. was dismissed early for ss. managed to get home in time to watch tv. joy. share with you before my next entry a 'euphemistic' personal ad exercise during English. It IS Fictional. Bubbly and Boucy, I am the one you might be able to score with. A cheerful personality, complete witha sense of adventure, I walk with springs under my soles and have leapt through twenty laps of the four seasons. practical and still "landing in time" to be down-to-earth, I 've leapt into a belly-full of motherhood and I would like very much to do a reverse bungee jump to get for myself a fellow 'Bouncer'. Having a warm personality, I melt under intense stress/pressure and I need air-conditioned-storage. A whole bold house package with the lil' overweight me. You've got more of me to love! here, you can infere the persona's occupation, marital status, attitude etc. quite a peculiar person i must comment. mr halsall said that the first line i wrote for the persona may be tragically-misleading. cos guys might think the persona is available for sex. but it's not what i mean! poor persona then. ha.
kmli blogged at 10/07/2005 10:53:00 PM crap. urgh.
[1] more day to ss bk review deadlines. so exciting. [2] that friend is okayed already. i guess=] [3] mr chia is Very funny. was sitting with me emily sophie steph today. he said me and emily are now 'famous' for our (In Conversation Forum) "That-Friday-Night-Stay-Back-Thing" Tell me. Can there be a cooler name. He said teachers are always finding ways to 'reward' such nonacademic/noncca 'achievements'. really. for "That-Friday-Night-Stay-Back-Thing", i need no reward. it was in itself, sweet success and i think i did enjoy every moment of it. =) im glad i took up the project. well, next year there is going to be a bigger convention, i think. i think it will be very good as well. [4] my mum's transfering to another branch for work and the kids missed her. She was showing off, very subtlely of course, during dinner, saying how the kids reacted, what they did and all. Very drama series like, very touching. it is a blessing to teach, i suppose. [5] yesterday, i found out somethings [x2] about someone. woohoo. such news. if its true la. just to end off very strangely with a poem with an entirely different mood i wrote earlier this year. was deciding to write a poem about -something-. but the neglected journal deserves some attention. so give you an expired one. Illfittingnesstation Like globey, gooey clay Unwilling to set or stay it just so happens. I dont know Meant to, but just can't settle settle still; settle fixed, into the potter's mould Like that steadfast strand of lalang grass Unwilling to bend or bow it just so happens, I don't know who to ask Directionless among the winds, dawn to dusk In the wind, against it, should I just go along with it. Like that wintry compass needle. With no passion to recognise the north it just so happens, no taunts or threats gets it to settle Against the magnetic field it seeks. Spinning, not complying, let it stop, not. footnote: i was typing and my sis was reading aloud, in a mildly dramatic robotic voice next to me, being an idiot. so i purposely typed " i am so stupid" and she read it! gotcha! then, i deleted that line and continued tying the intended lines for my poem. =D sigh. back to ss. [it's just this assignment, i still like ss.]
kmli blogged at 10/07/2005 01:18:00 AM freezingg
chemistry marks aren't exactly as well as i expected. brr...but i managed to just bargain for one more mark. yay. [maybe cos i moulded 3 real aspirin pills for mr slatter in the lab yesterday, complete with imprints. he says i need to stamp my name/ co. name on the pill though.] they were really quite impressive la, i think. lulu/juee/an shld have seen. they are the developing countries, low budget, handmade, manual kind of aspirin pills. lit was quite good. considering i totally did not study cos i reasoned that even if i do not so well, last term's perfect score wld just help even out. lit why do so well?! if only i can even this score out to other subjects. hm. im so upset over my home computer. it's just so retarded and sickening. it's down again. seriously, it scares me whenever it shows any kind of malfunctioning. my everything's in it. my uncle's going to dial over from overseas to look into the prob. doubt he'll be able to help much, the fact that i meddled a bit with it myself. but i dont like the computer man that comes! he's very nice but. you're not suppose to act so calmly when im in crisis! and it's not even one year since he last came. what does it tell of his skills? sigh. computers! maybe i'm to be blamed. i think my friend is angry with me for not sitting with her during options class. but. i mean, she wouldnt read this - i think. well. im not going to deny that i did not do what i did on purpose. i sat away from her deliberately, not because i dislike her, but because we agree on so many things. i need a brain to rub mine against. against. alright? but ur still one of my 12 discussion partners, so, we'll see how it goes? i hope u dont devote unneccessary energy to viewing this act as an act of aggression. though, then again, it would be interesting if you did. we can disagree and fight/debate/talk it out. yes? Yes. kmli blogged at 10/06/2005 02:30:00 AM quarantine me.
[1] The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Ellen Poe. [2] They say it is bittersweet." [3] I thought i knew. [4] Some adults appear to be very dominating. They crave attention and acknowledgement. They thirst for respect and recognition. They want to occupy that central spot on every occasion. (i) I hope it is only at their workplace they are like that, maybe it's some kind of adrenalin. I sincerely wish they aren't like this in private. What a tiresome life to lead. No wonder they look rather haggard at times. (ii) I'd like to think such characteristics might be due to unforseen childhood mishaps or experience. - it's more comforting to know there is an explanation because: =it is scary if such behavior pops out of no where. =to have such annoying behavior credited to the being itself is an additional offence; another demerit. [5] the bio server page is Not Loading, and i'm not pleased. i must have sounded like some bio lab nerd for the past two wks. BUT i thought bio option has ended! give me a break, Half an hour more to my lunch appointment. please be hungry by then. *results werent very gd* Scram. kmli blogged at 10/05/2005 03:36:00 AM i've got mail.
Please Mister Postman, look and see (Oh yeah) If there's a letter in your bag for me (Please, Please Mister Postman) Why's it takin' such a long time (Oh yeah) For me to hear from that boy of mine There must be some word today From my boyfriend so far away Pleas Mister Postman, look and see If there's a letter, a letter for me I've been standin' here waitin' Mister Postman So patiently For just a card, or just a letter Sayin' he's returnin' home to me (Mister Postman) Mister Postman, look and see (Oh yeah) If there's a letter in your bag for me (Please, Please Mister Postman) Why's it takin' such a long time (Oh yeah) For me to hear from that boy of mine So many days you passed me by See the tears standin' in my eyes You didn't stop to make me feel better By leavin' me a card or a letter (Mister Postman) Mister Postman, look and see (Oh yeah) If there's a letter in your bag for me (Please, Please Mister Postman) Why's it takin' such a long time (Why don't you check it and see one more time for me, you gotta) Wait a minute Wait a minute Wait a minute Wait a minute (Mister Postman) Mister Postman, look and see (C'mon deliver the letter, the sooner the better) Mister Postman i liked this song so much when i was young. cos it reminded me of postman Pat. i didn't quite catch the boyfriend part then. i thought that girl was just trying to be funny, asking for a letter. i imagined the postman to be a lil annoyed, yet a lil entertained with her 'need' for a letter. [1] i have a huge break in btw lessons tmr. [2] we're getting back papers tmr. im nervous. kmli blogged at 10/04/2005 01:54:00 PM |
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