economical boredom
![]() see la, copy your notes so slowly during econs lecture. i was dozing off, if not for spiderman and his ...xylem/phloem cells. everything was gd today. econs lecture, bio lecture, bio pract! =] lunch. basically, short days are good. hope senthil liked the spiderman cake. i couldn't choose between spiderman and ultraman. but i thought spiderman can have 'alliteration'; like Senthil the Spiderman. sheesh. bio prac was fun - scraping cheek cells, peeling leaves, sharing zhangrui's eureka-moment, looking at those LOVELY transparent bugs with lil' pumping hearts and electric saw mouths thru that 'scope and seeing them swim around. they look so disgustingly adorable. then, we took songjie's blood clot and looked at it. of all things, the algae freaked me out the most. i just cannot stand those lumpy masses of sporey stuffs. -shudders- but, it wasn't that bad la. so many birthdays coming. aliciakeys is singing and im drinking ginseng barley. -gulp- kmli blogged at 2/27/2006 02:25:00 PM dramafeste.
Redundant Post Ahead today. no, yesterday...i was very happy i........ =) then, then...i....=]....heh. yay!
kmli blogged at 2/25/2006 12:58:00 AM making my day
![]() ok. this made me think of the happy things today, and jump out of my not-so-happy-state-of-late. hsa does not want my precious blood. cos i had wisdom teeth (4) extraction less than 3 mths ago. okay lor. i'll be back. my -ahem- consultation business is doing well. i've taken on a new client and my company is undergoing recruitment and restructuring to better serve our clients. a proposal is due soon. i loved pe lesson today. and..i nothing else. ok. i like jameskeok. haha. he's the toastmaster who evaluated my speech. i wasn't that impressive cos i read so much off my script but his comments were super flattering and (exaggerated) so, okay lor. patricia the other toastmaster was super funny. pat: 'I think my fav. movie star is the one who acted in 007, bond..? what's his name? pierce br...i call him PB. he's very handsome and courageous and he knows how to treat a lady. the next one, the blond one, he's no match for him. i see the way he holds a lady's hand and wish i also got somebody [sic], do the guys here hold ladies' hands?' i nearly died laughing. the boys were o.O-ing. i pity them. that wekietay toastmaster was even funnier in correcting pronounciations. 'ikcellent', 'ikcitinig', 'konstruction', 'preject'. gordon and zhiying and almost everyone else was most traumatised...but gavel ended late and zapped up my energy. kmli blogged at 2/22/2006 10:24:00 PM concentrate!
![]() Li Kun Man, besides eating non-stop, can you please concentrate?!? focus. kmli blogged at 2/20/2006 08:06:00 PM chocette alert!
i made her come again today for lesson instead of Thursday with my sister (whom she was super pissed at on Thurs, the tension and hatred was oh-so-mutual). second. i played like crap. she basically retaught and went through all the stuffs that she covered/i was supposed to have practice 2 weeks ago. (i skipped lessons since 2feb) then, look at my reward! ![]() my teacher was in a Beaautiful mood. she didn't even frown when i was muddled over the notes like a slow retard. totally cool. im so motivated to play better and practice more now. everyone's out. im alone at home, happy, eating the cadbury chocettes. what's more, there are no nuts in the chocolate. Purfect for meine braces. had dance with laoshi today. the psuedo-falling in the dance made my wound crack up. i pray it will not get an infection. there's pus and it's a lil sick. i look forward to that day i look at my wound and realise it's all nicely dry up. scar or no scar, i'll worry later. and i can't wait to have a big fat blueblack on the side of my knee. it mighty hurts now. =] i can't wait to ache tmr. muscle aches are the best. super refreshing. talentime was quite nice...that chenbo guy sang like some seasoned singer, but he was very sneaky to lower audience expectations before he sang so he could get a 'strike'. tsk. so many things to say but, just one question for you. don't answer too quickly. do you like to feel 'wanted' or 'needed'. kmli blogged at 2/18/2006 07:57:00 PM today...
![]() [1] today during econs tutorial, i stoned and slept. it feels super relaxing to space-out. but to my classmates, im probably putting up a cold and weird front, appearing to be quite unapproachable and weird. im not. it's just that there's not enough fun and thrill to jolt me awake. and activate that livelier part of me. sigh. it's like that exponential curve. i need a lot of activation energy. would you be the catalyst? ohdear. haha. [2] today after chem tutorial, i felt very angry. really. but i dont know at what. i felt so angry! maybe it was the chem quiz that i totally did not know how to do. but why get angry over the fact that i'm retarded? shrugs. i just felt so angry. and i had this sudden 'need' to do a split. serious. it's terribly weird. but i just had to plop down right away. but now that there are boys in my class, it is very inconvenient to split in my pinafore. that feeling was really very sickening- where to find a place to split? also. i had a certain 'want' for pineapple tarts. as ms lee was talking, i just had this conviction that if i get just one (or two) pineapple tarts right away, the axis the world spins around would be oiled, and, i would get all that's being taught right away. i was almost convinced- as convinced as i let myself to be, since i know that even as the demand for pineapple tarts intensifies within me, there will be no supply. im such a dreamer. kmli blogged at 2/15/2006 06:08:00 PM yoghurt & pandan cake
![]() [2] i want to be smarter. please. [<3] hope you had a wonderful valentine's day... kmli blogged at 2/14/2006 08:01:00 PM ouch. painn.
ouch. when she was fitting the setting in, it was so painful! cos the seventh-molars are very near the gums, and they're still not fully erupted, it was a terrible experience. i have a high threshold for pain and yet, i was tearing like a useless crybaby. it wasnt so much the pain come to think about it, the pain was, quite bad, but it was just a lil' frightening for me as well. i could stare off at another direction and not feel that much pain/ isolate the pain, but it was traumatic how she was fitting it in, putting it back. [you probably dont understand] at first i blinked off the tears but later on, ducts just couldnt stop. trickletrickle. haha. so dr li was being all apologetic, dabbing away my tears and comforting me. i was 'okay' already. but somehow, it just pisses me off, the tear ducts were so retarded. tears continued to roll off for a minute more? i was so frustrated (though i felt better crying it off) cos i was worrying my dentist sick with that occassional stroll of tears coming down -still-. I was wondering why I was still tearing, trying to psyche myself to somehow suck back the tears and blink the sparkles off. i cabbed to dental and back. taxi drivers...they always give me problems when i go for dental. I ALWAYS want to just lose my temper at them? and just snap at them..for cheating. in school uniform, but you are so 'low' trying to take advantage of me. damn low. so low i ALWAYS second-think whether to lose-it at you, or to pity you. then i think you're just human, trying to make a living (out of me), so I still say thank you after you've (short-)changed me, and I try not to just wham the door off your cabhinges. sometimes i just feel like dumping you the fee and opening ur cabdoor in the middle of the road and WALK to my destination myself. it takes a lot to annoy me so much. [you annoy me SO much. growl. God loves you still.] i chose purple for braces. it is so hard deciding on a color. (laugh at me) i need to plan ahead. what color(s) should I use 3 wks later? help me. ![]() i felt fine after dental. was wondering whether i should go on soft-diet as advised. mrt-ed to city hall and decided to see whether my classmates still waited for me. i was already 20 mins late. i thought they should be gone but...YUCK. they were still there. guilt overwhelms me. xinwei said my eyeballs still wet/teary. i dont think it's that serious but then again, very long never cry ready. then we went to ecp. and blahblah and then somehow i rented blades and was under the tutelage of reuben and bennett. huiyi was supernice to hold my hand to walk alongside me at the start. amanda allowed me to grip and bend her fingers and thumb as i was skating. i crashed into zhangrue for balance, sherman pushed me over mountains (the humps), xinwei took me through the pouring rain by letting me hang on to her bike and thomas made me water-skate when the rain stopped. then...ohcrap. that zhenghong was the most helpful. he played encouraging music as he cycled past the struggling me. at lunch, i realised i couldnt even bite bread. disabled already. can start dieting now. i was devastated. more so when i was filling in application forms later - cos deadline was 2pm and i had to hand the form over to the guys so they can hand in by walking over to rj. i dont know what i've done, but all's fine because i wont get in. but still, thanks to yiding for helping me photocopy all the documents +submit the form - - THOUGH yiding and thomas ought to thank me extravagently for helping them think of crap to write on the forms. why dont you guys love crapping such stuff up? if only this is examinable, i'll honors-it. the auntie at wimbledon rentals was morethansupernice. i wanted to return her the skates and sit there and chat with her. i hope she outdoes all the other rental shop because of her high standards of nicety.[ my teeth painn.] reaching home, i couldnt sit down. cause i discovered another scratch. at my left closetobuttbutnotyet back-thigh. was wearing shorts and when i fell, i scratched it a bit. was super painful when i bathed. and when i bathed, i realised the skates cut another part of my leg (b) also. but (b) is fine now. it's just part (a)...see? ew. painn. ![]() ![]() i dont like it when i sustain injuries outside of dance. it's usually cause im clumsier than i should be, and well, other than dance, what's worth being injured for? then me azura and azimah (sesame and greenbean) bussed back to school. we changed at the back of 190 (putting on pinafores, culottes/shirt and sliding off our shorts/pants). sorry to that distressed male commutor. pleasepleaseplease dont complain to rgs. but we didn't show anything what, right? was late and collected results from g.o. ms veronic gave me ___'s result slip and i thought i got b3...very sad but self-consolation commenced immediately. then ms veronica realised that wasnt my slip and when i got my slip, i was quite happy to see A2. heh. if it was A1, i would be happier. but tianxiehanzi of all sections stunted me, so...i wouldnt ask too much. well. chinese doesn't matter now, so. it's over and it's no big deal so...what's the point. having porridge for dinner. for now, cheers. ![]() kmli blogged at 2/10/2006 07:31:00 PM despite all.
kmli blogged at 2/08/2006 06:42:00 PM fly flew flown
![]() the polaroids of my aunt's cats are so...=] nice. nicer than jeremy's walk in cat. but k la. there's some good in every cat. i've got my redpackets from hongkong. delivered by my uncle. mum dad and sis went to meet him (and the gifts) at some hotel at orchard since they were watching chingay as well. mummy forgot the chingay tickets! welldone. my uncle sent frozen carrot cake made by grandma too! clever packaging ensured that the aircraft did not stink up. (i hope it didnt) super yummy. trial run over, just eat la. till the nxt time i get scared, whatever. got gifts as well. - have no idea why. me and sis got necklaces and bracelets. i dont think i'll wear my bracelet. see how. as for the necklace, it's quite cool. sis's one is nice...but i suppose mine is more flexible in 'wearament'. but hers is black necklace. which is very nice too. ah. whatever la. i think i can place all my necklaces and pendants on loan ready. so fun collecting minidrawers of them. they are actually useful and usable things. wow. daddyo and mummy are both in the study with me. mum is preparing for some children's sharing with her ingenius idea of chinese newyear mandarin ![]() the polaroids are in front of me and i feel very happy looking at them. so happy i dont 'see' the tutorial ws in front of me, beneath the polaroids. how? kmli blogged at 2/05/2006 11:28:00 PM Chingay.
![]() pinning on the collar thing/ choker, if u have to call it that. ![]() hurry up, michelle. i was testing the cam. ![]() with shinbin. i glanced down a sec too soon. sorry. ![]() oh. by the way. 2nd feb was my sista's birthday. i gave her wonderful presents. one of them i liked so much myself. therefore, my birthday wish for her was simply for her to share that necklace with me =] see how silly her grin/smile is? i bet she's too happy abt her present. or the blueberryblackforest before her. that sadistic grin when the cake says 'ouch'. hurhur... kmli blogged at 2/05/2006 01:56:00 AM [brackets]
and im not speaking as quickly as before, cos im just not as nimble with the metal bits in my mouth. that gives me psychological discomfort because sometimes, when i reallyreally want to speak a lot a lot, it's oral acrobatics and...=[ ![]() very soon, it shall be worse but, somehow, nothing stops me from eating. is that gd or bad. i think i can never ever commit to a diet. yet, i think i need it. tmr is sissy's bdae. a year older, i dont know if it's a step closer to being who she will be/aims to be/should be, but, it should be a step away from who we are. i mean the negatives. dont lose ur ...roots or whatever la. civics: friendly with 3C. i hope my shoes dont cut my heels. if they do, i wont be able to kill 'em in the 'friendly. kmli blogged at 2/01/2006 10:04:00 PM |
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