![]() ![]() ![]() i didnt play that well, but ms rahmah was nice. " a lot of wrong notes..hm...but at least it was continuous. (pause) a little.." - quote of the evening. evidently, she was in a gd mood, and when she's in a good mood, im encouraged to play better. so all went well =] then, my parents called to tell me sis and i to go for dinner ourselves at swensen's, cos they were in rjc, listening to hodge's address and local uni admissions talk. i bet they thought we were starving at home. but heh, seriously, how hungry can we kiddos get if u have tubs of icecream in the freezer...lalala. chapter 3 of parentology, folks! so we had to rush down by 9, cos my daddy-o said that we have to start eating so they can drop by at 9.30 and foot the bill. so we rushed for dinner and my, swensen's was crowded. so we decided to give the 'trying-hard-to-upgrade' delifrance a chance. my...what a disappointment. the portions! the taste! keep trying, delifrance. on the way home, me and my sista just had to grab a choc. mac's sundae. kmli blogged at 3/30/2006 11:10:00 PM fire!
![]() i wanted to show u the wall but i ended up capturing more of other stuffs la..but i shall tell u abt them. the pig: whatever masks i get frm chingay blahblah goes to her. she looks so cool. yes, dried roses: whatever's surviving frm val's day/dance performances. most of them have been..'returned to nature by means of a black (garbage bag) dressing' but yea. then...ya. wine bottles and stuffs like some hadley wheel thing. then the raffles minishirt. and many other sparkly whatevers. OH. there're suppose to be 2 photos. one secone, one frm prom. but i think they're lying flat on the top shelf. too bad. then there are basketfulls of stuffs like...tubes/bottles/containers. it's just impossible to contain all these miscellaneous things. frm cream to...haiya. so girly. dowan to say ready. below all those are some of my favourite books, and a player. (the black 'box'). on the right is the deck of cds. self-explanatory. ![]() --> ohya. my mum was very proud of the starfruit she planted. it's off the branch and to be eaten now. yum. today there was a false alarm. literally. we thought there was a fire drill. mr hodge. we need practice. kmli blogged at 3/24/2006 08:51:00 PM flu.
![]() ![]() anyways, 3L continued watching the movie "I am Sam" today. didn't really tear cos the segment we watched wasn't that sad and i was supersuper exhausted from my flu. now with the medicine, i feel even worse. im just zapped of whatever energy i have. yes, it's been so long since i last fell sick, saw a doc and got medicine. but the parts we saw on Tuesday did hit the tear ducts quite a bit. stuff like poverty, parent-child relationships are things that make me cry very easily. hey but this isn't the most tearable movie. i've been through quite a few that are even worse. who's up to the challenge. watch and cry yourself silly. ![]() when you are physically disabled, you are mentally able and you can 'think' and 'see' as normally(or abnormally) as 'normal' people. and you know this feeling of 'i see but i cannot reach' feeling? because you are so close to normal, and so fully of that, you have the full capacity to dream like the rest. but because you are society's physically disabled, you still ought to stay in your grid. you wait for your turn to toss the dice and while straining to reach for it, the other players have all gone for two rounds after two quick tosses. there are boundaries you are so fully aware of that it pricks you where you hurt most, that it pricks where you lack most, and even where the remaining functioning bit of you is. but for the mentally-disabled, like Sam, what renders a laugh, a hug, tears, anger will be what their hearts call for. i remember that dude i was swimming with, shawn? or whatever his name was...life is simple. swimming is simple. im sure he has his frustrations, im sure his parents get mighty confused and stressed, but they will never need to doubt his love for them. and if he keeps swimming on in life, he has already conquered the world in his heart. such simple joys, but it calls for a high price of possible discrimination and nasty surprises in this world's currency, with our society's dollar exchange rate. [1] what currency do you use. what are the currency exchange rates between different communities in today's society. how's the stock market of your heart doing. [2] im thankful to be relatively healthy and able. and that's why, it's almost a duty to speak up for those who are shouting above the din but are ignored. [3] take care not to render somebody physically/mentally disabled with your words or actions ![]() kmli blogged at 3/22/2006 07:12:00 PM from my sista's blog
"so anyway.i came home and saw that sis was using my shit green and another green zig and i was quite pissed cos i liked my green ones alot and its kinda drying away.so anyway i took them back and annoyed sis wuite abit cos she didnt ask anyway (:but anyway apparently she fell sick and then at the dinner table i was thinking that if sis died, then, it would be bad cos i didnt want her to die with the feeling that i am so bad i dont share my shitgreenandothergreenzig with her.so i began to feel guilty.ha.but hey sis is up and alive again.but yes i will try to lend her my stuff next time (:" now, now, TELL ME ABOUT IT. muahahaha. =D
don't worry, I will borrow your markers soon. And why are yours markers so ugly-ly-named. AND by the way. The last sentence of the previous blog was typed in by my sister. She knows my username and password and crept into my account. hm. kmli blogged at 3/19/2006 11:37:00 PM boo =[
now i've a sore throat and a headache. what's next, bring it on and school can wait. i really love my sister.truly. kmli blogged at 3/19/2006 05:03:00 PM darnce
holiday hw...hurhur...don't talk about that la. chem revision...oh, shut up, kmli. class outing was great =] lying on the field was super relaxing, the can-fall-asleep kind of relaxing. then, the photo shoots were..haha...hilarious. then we went for speedbowling. so rush! we should have slowed down and bowled with more..style or something. but, thanks guys for the 'breathtaking' experience (literally). of course, the steeamboat dinnah! yum. haiya. didn't go esplanade with 'em. would have loved to. i can't end on a sad note, so, dance on saturday was strange cos we learnt a malay song. i've forgotten the tune almost instantly, but i can still remember all the words. ikan kekek mak ilui ilui ikan gelema mak ilai ilai nanti adik mak ilui ilui pulang sama mak ilai ilai tenang-tenang air di laut sampan-golek murtike tanjung hati dekernang mulut geserbut budi yang baik rasa tejunjung ![]() i dont mean this kind of clogs, cause i mean to refer to the chinese traditional traditional kind of clogs. anyway, what i mean to say's that, there's gna be this clog dance for dance night. we're some ulu kampong folks. that's why the song above. aw, darnce! i was looking forward to the ugly modern ppl dance. kmli blogged at 3/18/2006 10:17:00 PM orange
![]() i love oranges. you cannot imagine how tempted i was to add in the eyes. so i did.
kmli blogged at 3/14/2006 09:45:00 PM error cont'd
![]() mummy just walked in and said i charred the pan. well, i dont think i'm that bad...but i guess i can't be sure. i mean, i vaguely recall frying that something in the morning i mentioned in my previous post, then i vaguely remember having my first attempt at steaming those khong guan buns - till the pan was dry~ cos the fire was on for a little too long~though i have to mention that the buns were steamed to perfection and they tasted...great. so...i hope the pan's alright, so i can cook again tomorrow. heh. kmli blogged at 3/14/2006 09:10:00 PM error
fried egg+bread+lettuce+apple+tomato. i feel sick now. kmli blogged at 3/14/2006 08:52:00 AM so girly.
anyway, on sunday, daddyo was mad. but it didnt affect me and sis too much, cos he was being silly. so be mad. shrugs. mum's been a little upset over some family matters over in hongkong. so i love my mum more now for the moment. wait, i love my mum a lot a lot more. so after dinner, we sneaked in a whole tub of blueberry icecream (that was too sweet) into the bedroom and we switched off the lights and we layed sprawled on the floor with the music playing. the pillows were on the floor, some bks scattered here and there and my lamp from d+t in rgs was turned on for the first time. we talked and talked and chatted and chatted till the icecream was finished. then, we went to bed. ![]() kmli blogged at 3/13/2006 03:12:00 PM gasp
"it takes a woman to fight for women rights" or "only a woman can truly fight for women rights", something to the likes of that? as i was walking home after getting my 2 rj greeen skirts, i just thought of something. it should be, "it takes a woman and a man to fight for women rights". i just thought there was something wrong with my earlier thought. a woman's not e'nuff. this doesn't link - - but, here's an example of the power of a man. my daddy-o. i saw a bag and my mum said (no): to think twice. my daddy walked over and said i should buy it if i like it. it was probably a purchase on impulse, but most-of-such-times, i just know it's the correct one for-now. let's hope i dont regret too soon...or team daddy-o and me will lose and the mother shall have the last laugh. should i go for dance later? i can't decide. so much more to say because my life is so exciting. [time to settle down, girl..] if my com speakers are working, life excitment could see a 200% increment, bringing satisfaction to a new high equilibrium. but im not complaining too much yet. p.s. sunday sch was nice today. o. byebye bethany. kmli blogged at 3/05/2006 04:15:00 PM grey-violet-pink
and then it skipped and stopped. and stopped and skipped. nothing comes from nothing. nothing ever could. kmli blogged at 3/03/2006 08:33:00 PM quieten.
well. danced today. sigh. i can't believe i missed tues's session. now i've got quite a bit of catching up to do. and - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- and then, - - - - - - - and that's - - - - - - - - - . ahem. i dont like to not get to say what i really want to say, but really, given the spot i stand upon, there is no way. no way i can even blog those stuffs out. pityme. after dance, i found my secluded spot after changing-a-few-spots, and tried to revise for math test. renhui came to join me a while later. but thank gdness she isn't the noisy/chatty kind - maybe cos she was doing her history hw as well. and i just felt the quiet i've been missing for so long. i've been Loving the noise and laughter and all that, but, heh, gd things have to be rationed yeh? i was talking to huiyi ytd? some night on msn. can't remember what exactly the convo was about. oh. im sure. of course it started off with GC talk. cos we accidentally exchanged graphic calculators. but i remembered something i said. it was somewhat of a conclusion, but it's something that's still pretty etched in my mind. it needs some reexamining. i said, "it takes a woman/women to fight for women rights."...hm...is that true? to an extent i believe. i'll get back to that to dissect it up later. OH. huiyi was telling me about this play...vaginal something...ERM. it's suppose to be gd - feminist something (huiyi recommend one what...) JUMP! today the lift behaved strangely. my wish to get stuck in an rj lift at least once in my two years NEARLY came true. i hope the jaguar-enclosure-escape can materialise on our learning journey to the zoo as a class. im serious. imagine the fear. woah. BACK! so, as i was feeling the wind, seeing the trees, eating my sweets, drinking the water, and doing ..the...mathh...i just thought of those moments i love and somewhat crave for. and...how love and hate is really just seperated by a thinthin line. i love i love it when it's so quiet you can only hear breathing. no words need to be said. (i) on stage during dance performances, everyone's just giving their best, and everyone's dead tired after a few items, but like laoshi said, you just learn to feel each other's presence and you learn to listen to one another's breathing, to synchronise. it just happens. i dont know about running -cos i can't recall any memorable sec sch races, but after swim events, when that few minutes of adrenaline has passed and your event's over, you just either stare at your friend/stare at the rest (to see if you're in the top three)/ smile at your friends. obviously everyone's still in competition mode, and still maybe, waiting for the heart chambers to stop drumming...but there's that silence - to mark that event's finishing. it's not literal silence cos there will be people cheering, announcements for the next events, whistles blown...but if you do well, you dont hear anything. much. it's like...your mind is CLEARED, you know, you know? there's such a thin line seperating love and hate sometimes. but it's not always true..and then, how is love and hate graphically represented? i mean, is it a cycle? a hexagon? or what. ernest ah...tsktsk. can't believe the mario-graphic-calculator boy is so shy...what zhenghong said to him was super funny too. i shall end off with that convo. and oh. i hope mingfatt, and milord and yongzhi wont leave howzat and 3L. don't tell me whether you get to stay. i've your email. if i dont see you at O2, we'll see from there. mingfatt's such an emotional person. read book also can cry...wanchee read also never cry. then wanchee said he told her that when he's with our og, he feels this 'sense of contentment'. woah. eh, dude, it's mutual. cos you're such a happy guy...but the things you say, they've got that melt-heart potential. = ok. here it comes. you go over to her, and ask, 'can i sit here?' then she says yes. then you ask, 'can i borrow your pen?' she says yes. then you ask, 'can i see your notes?' and she says yes. then, you say, 'hey, let's get married/you wanna marry me?' she might say yes for all you know, but really, let's assume (rather safely) she says no. then you can whine, 'wahlao, can sit here, can borrow pen, can borrow notes, cannot get married, where got liddat one?' [you may faint/die] see, this was suppose to be a quiet, reflective entry. i just can't hide happy snippets that distrupt the flow of my whole post. but then again, there's math tmr. =| kmli blogged at 3/02/2006 08:52:00 PM consume.
kmli blogged at 3/01/2006 08:03:00 PM |
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