cos PM Lee has called on an election, for a much longed-after 100% PAP victory. My daddy was watching an elections' Special programme today when i came home, so i stood around as i drank up the juice, ate up the bread and slurped up the icecream. yeayea, elections are every 5-6 years and, i was just talking to my daddy on the way home that: = the pap is so rich they can call for rallies with gd facilities and blah. i mean, compared to chiam see tong, he meets his residents in a cubicle! As much as I do agree that some of the opposition members are not 'up to the mark', it sure takes a lot of courage to stand up for what you are convicted about. No matter how lousy they are said to be, sometimes, i look at a particular 'opposition member', and comparing him or her to some random pap member, im just more certain of the inner conviction that feels the workers' party dude or democracy fighter dude. and, it takes a lot of sacrifice as well! are you going to fight against the pap, and then look for a govt-related job? im highly skeptical that the Singapore society (or pap's nation) is that forgiving. I would like to think they are kind of blacklisted. they should be included in the yellow-ribbon project. = they interviewed this lady running for elections. She claimed that although there were significant 'improvements' in the opposition's educational qualifications, in terms of character, there are still 'problems'. What a harsh Comment! Imagine if the opposition said that!?! confirm sue until their pants fall off! I mean, I dont care how qualified either party is, but my juniorcollege brain tells me that is an attack that sounds quite personal. You may say that person does not have the personality/devotion to do the job, but slamming one's character (ren2 pin3) is a tad too much. = i cannot stand the lift-upgrading carrot. everyone pays taxes right? and why did SM Goh have to say 'i checked his(Chiam's) checkbook'? If Chiam is elected, he will be a representative for his people, to press for liftupgrading - WITH government funds, WITH the People's $. That's that. It's whether the 'need' is justified. I'm just a little freaked out, the way Pap appears to ask for votes - asking whether you 'want' the lift upgrading/facilities as an exchange. = this pap dude pointed to the opposition and said, 'even the hanging of posters are done in the dead of the night', suggesting they are not confident/efficient. UNCLE! use yur coconut and stir up the brain bits. you pay yur pap dudes with govt. funds/priviledges. the opposition only has volunteers who can only start work after their office hours. poor them! = it's a thin line between haughtiness and confidence. cross it and it gets annoying to the more opinionated/educated people. check yourselves. go womens. Sigh. im for the current system, kind of, but whywhywhy is the PAP so desperate, it's disappointing to see the way they 'fight'. it's gross attitudinally. And why do you keep using the 'for the good of Your children' idea? a little more political choices wont impale my children right? if you let me learn to choose. go gahmen, and go oppositions. happy labour day. labour on. kmli blogged at 4/30/2006 11:56:00 PM something made my heart beam
![]() "Hi Man Man, Ma and I are proud you can get through the councillor camp and kept your word for serving the aged. Love, from Ma and Da. [1] i totally enjoyed camp. the physical bits were shiok. i, for one, love myself too much or rather, im just not disciplined enough to make myself do crunches. so imagine the inner joy amidst the suffering when there was someone with a whistle, making me do pushups and crunches over the entire weekend! seriously, though it was painful and tiring at some instances, and we were all worn out. [2] helping this old lady frm church clean up her place was quite an experience. Im glad i honored my word, still going to help after council camp. God gave me strength and joy. though i was almost 'finished' after that. got home so late on sunday. i was, by then, mentally exhausted too. too many things seen and felt. [3] 'ma' and 'da'... what kind of shortforms!?! kmli blogged at 4/25/2006 10:06:00 PM it's been a long day.
oh. my easter saturday was dampened by the dinner visitation from my dad's ex-colleague from hk. my dad is such a gifted entertainer/chatter when the ocassion calls for it. poor daddy-o had to entertain people he evidently could not stand. today (as i was saying, and as i started out to talk about), was Long. after school, i decided against going to thomson plaza. cos it was really too hot, and cos im near-brokerage and cos i had a long day ahead - laziness. did my work in the library. im proud of my completed bio spas but, somehow, after i finished bio, the time i had left wasnt enough to start another major assignment (maybe that's an excuse) so i just stoned and slacked around. OH. we played with jingwen's camera. =] thenn went for girls'hiphop. (cynthia calls it female hiphop). wanted to run a few rounds round the track after practice but laoshi came early, so we started contemp. dance prac almost immediately. thank gdness i had a substandard chicken burger at 4. finally. laoshi's dance is completed and we're having indian percussion with chinese clogs with malay song. how multiracial. quite cool, really. und dann, we washed out feet at the washbasins =| no choice =| and i rushed home for dinner. ate carrot cake and im going to grab dessert...yea..i can't help it. wed's napfa. i shall run beside azi and just get it over and done with. 2nd last napfa before i can escape the gahmen's clutches, since i can escape NS. HIGHLIGHT of today was really... =something freaky that happened on the busride home. =something i expected to happen that has happened and it's not a happy thing...cos my grandma has moved out of my uncle's home to stay on her own. it's pretty complicated and i dont understand and my mother is understandably upset (as i've told some of you earlier on). I love my grandma. really. I'll elaborate more on the freaky thing soon. VERY dramatic. =D stay tuned. council balloting's over and i havnt bathed and i've got lots of hw and i need to eat dessert. so busy. Enjoy life, dudes =] OH. i had custardapple that my mum planted just now. very nice. my mummy's gardening's not bad. so far, we've had our own chillies and starfruits, and custard apple. i want her to grow watermelon next. kmli blogged at 4/17/2006 10:16:00 PM supersaturdaysupermarket
![]() ![]() dance in the many dance practices now...i like, time to catch up on my school work also. it's going to be an eventful week ahead, come what may, or come what may not. im thankful for this slightly longer weekend, though it hasnt been productive so far, because i've been investing in the intangibles. [nonacademic stuffs] after dance, i met my parents and sista for lunch?brunch?. the sister was going for ballet, parents were going supermarketing. or rather, coldstoraging. grabbed icedcoffeemocha and cheeseburger. i ordered icedcoffeemocha 'jelly'. but i guess the lady didnt catch my last impt word. but nvm. i love mix-and-matching my food from everywhere. my daddy often says how macdonalds can keep selling the same unhealthy things for decades and still earn money, while you have eateries that keep introducing desperate offers and sales and yet closedown. ![]() ![]() ![]() after the sister left, we went supermarketing. finally...after so long, im in a supermarket again. it's good to have a say as to what goes into the cart. got to choose the milk i want, the juice i want, the granolas/muesli i want, the shampoo/showergel i want, the gingerdigestives i want, the coke i want, the beef i want, the icecream i want, the tobasco i want, the tomato sauce... the cart-contents were so colorful and 'right'! then daddy bought beers cos he says the bottles are nice. dont they sell em everywhere? they have coke and sprite also what. heh, but i dont mind having the bottles. i need more bottles for my dried flowers. they're all crammin up in the wine bottles. on our way home, i managed to chat with my parents. it's been..very long since i had time to talk to them, and actually, i never have time. but today i made time for them and i definitely enjoyed the expense of my work though. it's worth it i guess. the only mistake-purchase for today is the shower gel. chose the wrong flavour la...they should have samples for us to try/smell or something. and seriously, the names and taglines on those products tell you NOTHING about 'em. 'calming', 'soothing'...[what's the diff?!?]--these are the different flavours for some brand. i tried to imagine 'calming' and 'soothing' along the supermarket aisle but to no avail. and puhlease! i am certain no shower gel can 'calm' me down, if im really really stressed/disturbed. i bet. the wrath of marketing! so i skipped to the next brand and picked the color instead -- only to realise in the shower that the showergel i bought carries the smell of a whole 'body-shop' shop. so i kept spinning around to smell myself. and i asked my mum if the showergel stinks and the clever mama wittily commented that "i think you not only have sensitive skin, you have an overly sensitive mind". alright, mother. balloting on monday... and this is icky...why must they use That photo? wincewhinewince. kmli blogged at 4/15/2006 04:22:00 PM what green. emerald green.
![]() Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you. Inside, you are very emotional and moody - though you don't let it show. People usually have a strong reaction to you... profound love or deep hate. But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There's something naturally harmonious about you. kmli blogged at 4/14/2006 06:26:00 PM superme RUNNING.
so started off with my dad making me to serious and strict about it...k la, since he's so sincere...hard to disobey him when he is reasonable. so ranranran...and we finished like 3.6?km...then my dad asked me whether it's enough already. i said 'okay' and slowed down and 'stopped' and all that. THEN. he said 'Oh. another round, come on.' daddy-o...!!! i exclaimed my bewildered 'no'. but daddy-o says that it's the last lap when you 'said' no and you still run another that you build up your 'willpowerrr' and muscles. me: but i don't need muscles! dad: then you want fats? me: no...i don't want muscles......[mutters..] dad: quick. [goes on breathlessly about his 'last lap theory'] Again. it's so hard to refuse when he's sincere. so. okay la. and we were going at a pretty fast pace and pace was kept constant throughout...except for the lastlast lap - i raced up the slope cos i was so glad it's over. i didn't feel tired at all seriously. somehow, when i run in school, i feel lazier and less motivated. this time with all the uphills, i .... just ran. k la. i know 5km not a lot. zhenghong is probably laughing at me or giving me the 'are you kidding ' look but...given that i dont like running. i really dont like. i think it's quite gd ready, cos i surprised myself. i dont usually give myself positive surprises..hee..ya. so. let's see if daddy-o makes me fall in love with running. stay tuned. Ohokay. im going to try something...special...LINKING it to 'running'. Student Council campaigning is taking place. and im running for council. i didn't tell my parents till friday? cos...sometimes you dont want to fail and many a times, you dont want the whole world to know you failed. so forget publicity. BUT campaigning is publicity - if it helps at all. so there's just one thing i need to tell everyone now. there's a person you should give one of your ten votes to. she's Kun Man. kmli blogged at 4/08/2006 08:28:00 PM ohahrehayye.
[1] strollathon was very tedious! the strollering pioneers from 3L chose to take this challenging route. later, we re-routed for a carbo-stock-up and even encountered the bishan-gay, or so he's called. reached school at 7plus and got my tshirt. not polo, but design's quite nice still. hung around with lulu and watched her derive cheap thrill through getting her juniors to greet her in the ncclowvoices. yea. i admit i miss lulu quite a bit. then we changed into our shirts and saw mr ktan. he says we look different. met up with the other lovelies and soon, we were flagged off. oh. lingting was with us. i think she's very amusing. so we targeted to be last and hung around at the back of the whole walkathon - wait. it was more like a strollathon for us. then, we sneaked through ri and reached rj super fast. met ian on my snoop back. then, we went to j8 for breakfast - though i didn't eat anything, cos i had a heavyy breakfast. we saw the bishan gay, but seriously, i) ri boys so daring and mean to him =[ ii) i think he's a very oppressed person. he probably imagines he has a tight schedule everyday and although it keeps him occupied, well, it's just...scary how sometimes living too much in your own world can be worse than denial. both are extremes and both involves living. it's back to the magic word 'balance' isn't it? how balanced is your life, dude. [2] some 3L council campaigners had 'guard duty'. we were undercovers protecting the Lee Hsien Loong. We had special green lanyards and we were involved in canopy-snooping, to make sure no one attacks His Majesty in any way possible. We had camouflaged microphones and hidden earplugs. oh. must say thankyou to zhangrui and julia for helping me and yiding do the 10-11 shift duty. i mean, remembering that they had to rush back and everything voluntarily leh. then later, four of us did the 11-12 shift together. we had a good time standing around, doing silly things like pretending we had collar-clip mics on our shirts, and speaking into them like little retards. we pretended we had earplugs also la. we were so much more action than the real bodyguards. we're the real GUARDS. right after PM left, we helped ourselves to the special food at the centre of the canteen reception. quite ok. managed to talk to mr anselm chu...he's busy as usual. so i didn't want to remind him about the two wep certificates he still hasnt given to me. talked abt co-ed college life, and i must say ah, mr chu has some interesting information on....blahblahblah.(very hard to tell you). then he looked at me and julia and said something like "good lah, now see you all, all grow up ready..." HAHA. that shld be a compliment right? but deep-inside-my-heart, i know im still far from grown. managed to speak with mrs deborah tan also. rgs is so...familyish somehow. deborah tan is always like a know? in rjc, everyone's older and somehow, it's different. or at least, it's not the same, yet. [3] haunted house was quite nice...but i reckon the queue for it will haunt our minds for quite some time. our troop of 3Lers braved through the ruins of old-shanghai night club. thanks milord for the free ticket! queued up very long. but i survived thanks to ernest's ipod and mingsing's icecream treat. the guy practically forced him to buy two icecreams. i realise it's super easy to talk boys into buying stuff. like how they just sucuumed to the advertising by the rgs girls for flowers and nearly - for some lollipops or something. after ora, i went campaign shopping with wanchee, wenxin and eleanor. =] you guys make me happy. [4] some heroes went up against the needles. they did the finger prick test for the bone marrow donor programme. applaude 'em for donating blood juice. i went! not painful at all! it was like coloring with blood cos the indian guy had to squeeze out blood from my index finger to fill up the circle so they can take my blood and do sequencing. some people want to do the fingerprick test but they hope they dont get a match for bone marrow donation. shouldnt think that right? but in a sense, once u print down your blood, you'll feel obliged to donate if you are identified as a match. i know i would donate even if i get called up, two weeks from now. it's a very scary commitment, but you see, i firmly belive that commitments cannot be measured by 'size'. if it's a commitment. it's standard size. it deserves the same...commitment. i feel like jabbing myself in the ribs, but the more i was thinking abt it, the more i was praying that some time in my life, i hope i would be a match for 'somebody'. kunman......tsktsk.... kmli blogged at 4/08/2006 05:54:00 PM so ends the week.
OH. Vote For Kun Man. kmli blogged at 4/07/2006 09:46:00 PM raindrops are fallin'
![]() ![]() wise men say...only fools rush in...but... '=) should i sing on? is this my song? kmli blogged at 4/03/2006 07:20:00 PM meaningfool april fool's. 06
[2] gavel clubs summit today! + i enjoyed myself cos i love emceeing, though i didn't talk much today. it just reminds me of the NE forums all over again. melissa kwee, ron dudley, cherian george, youth activism, citizenship, casino issue...the last forum was the best forum i had ever attended/chaired in rgs. as i was facilitating, i just can't help but miss the chemistry me and emily had. like, i can scribble her a sentence in awful, desperate handwriting e.g. 'end discussion', '2 more comments, 5 mins more' sort of thing and, she'll get it, and i know she gets it, you know? and and, when speakers drone and when participants go out of point and overboard, i can give her the sideway glance and tadum! she gets it. this time, emceeing was with zhiqi. he's a veryvery nice person to work with, i must say. but, (i know i can't blame him, and i dont expect him to change) he's still a guy and...that's very far from being an 'emily'. i know i told you, but, great job, dude. really. + i'm really impressed by the gavel club seniors. im really seeing a lot of effort, and..perseverance and pride in what they do and i must say that it is tremendously impressive and inspiring. it's a little unbelievable, and seeing it with my own eyes makes it seem even more unbelievable. u guys are....really capable. [3] class dinner, then bdae party for rng and debch. had a very nice singing session with julia. very nice harmonising. =] zhangrui can sing la. must sing more ah. and mandre went to the party. it was a small group of osl04 folks. very cosy. very gd SATAY...! and so nice to meet ms tay again. +/-? i am going to sound very critical here, but that doesnt mean im unfeeling and judgemental, ok? a lot of people are going on overseas service learning trips. i believe in miracles. i believe that not everything can be explained. perhaps, there's this sudden surge of generousity and compasasion that compels people to sign up for projects like queuing up for their next meal. but, should it ever cross your mind that you're going to do a service learning trip Overseas, because the cost of 'buying' that credit is so cheap to you, you are fooling the starving kids. you are cheating them and buying yourself a ticket to rob them of their innocence. there are somethings you cannot hide, and some mistakes you do not want to make. it is always the right time to do the right thing. i mean, no one's perfect, no human intention is ever purely pure...but...think about it, what does a service learning project mean to you...i just think there must be a lot more of reflection and thinking and involvement, right? im not an expert on this or anything like that but, think...think with your 'integrated' brain, this cannot be all. back to nothing comes from nothing. nothing ever could. why do we pretend nothing's something and fool ourselves we've got that big bit to reach for, when you know inside you that nothing was there frm the start? and sometimes, shouldnt we challenge even established organisations? shouldn't we be more discerning/become more discerning when it comes to charity and socialwork organisations, no matter what 'umbrella' it's under? im sure you'll be in for a very amazing experience, gracing the villages of the less-priviledge with your presence. you'll feel needed. you'll feel loved, you'll feel respected and important. but can that amount of money be used so that those guys on the other side of the globe can truly look at themselves and feel needed, lovable, respectable and important? how's the sustainability of your project? it's no good cos under such low standards on their part and on our (moral conscience) part, we're using that amt of money to tap goodness out of one another. real aid does not have to be 'seen', but your mainstream charity is. at the end of the day, where does the money go to? it's not even welfare loss (like in econs). it's not like i've got a very good solution myself. it's not like i've always been perfect and all-knowing, but some things i know you know too. should you do thingA? one way perhaps is to think whether you want to be identified as having done A/you will dare to stand up and say you did thingA 10 years down the road. if you're not even sure of that, there is but, nothing. to talk about. nothing gives me the right to critic and judge, but i know that 10 years down the road, what i've said above is still going to be what i will stand up for. that perhaps, gives me, but a reason to be so daring and potentially-offensive. but i mean well, in much love. kmli blogged at 4/01/2006 08:09:00 PM |
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