[2] just got this yummy-looking article frm teacher frm public policy prog. but it's so long i can only close the adobe window and promise myself, i'll get to pour through it after a few days. i love reading non-fiction. just like how im mugging non-fiction now, minus the grades and failing part, i would love to 'learn' chemistry everyday. kmli blogged at 6/26/2006 11:55:00 PM my time alone
grandparents leaving and we had numerous dinners and outings that robbed me of much time. then again, it's that feeling of knowing you love being robbed of time 'this way' sometimes, if those times arent The Times before The Commontests. i worry i spend my life away not making time to do things i really like. ![]() ![]() another recipe worth trying out is the powerful-prozen-pineapple. just slice em out, dump it in your freezer, and fish one out when you're abt to fall asleep, -->mugging. =\ (what else) i've got many more photos from grandpa's stay-home-birthday dinner. [1] i love it when it's past midnight, and silence penetrates through the entire house. and it starts drizzling. it's wheee! cold beverage out and curl up to ... mug. =) but how much of this quiet can i bargain for, before i 'knock it down' in sleeping position, haha. ohwells :[2] birthday is coming soon. 14 days more isit? on the 7th, July. hope the poolparty materializes. [3] i've been showered with cash by my grandparents. cash spent, cash given. grandpa & grandma were saying whatever i want, they'll give, but i must tell them. mum was telling me that perhaps the one thing i need is 'time'. which sadly, no one can buy me. true. kmli blogged at 6/24/2006 01:07:00 AM toll free hotline
" ... you may here periods of long silences but please remain on the line..." - adobe photoshop activation hotline how true.
kmli blogged at 6/19/2006 11:48:00 PM rant
my new camera's spoiled. why. i feel stupid. why. not enough time. why. fingers cannot move fast enough to diff guitar chords. why. im still annoyingly unruffled. why. urgh. why what. why yourself. why off. :) i've never been in a better mood. believe me. kmli blogged at 6/18/2006 10:35:00 PM happy papas' day.
![]() ![]() my papa. the older generation :) ![]() ![]() cheers (: eatup drinkup ![]() ![]() kmli blogged at 6/17/2006 10:58:00 PM promulgation...!
![]() must ask charissakhor on sunday. yay. (whispers: this is such a waste of time!) ohwells. kmli blogged at 6/16/2006 12:13:00 AM drunk in the books.
carlsberg, heineken. sakae? back to the french cellars? green tea then? plain water?!? kmli blogged at 6/13/2006 10:33:00 PM two weeks away frm cts.
![]() ![]() my grandma bought me and my sis a tea set for our study. there's a teapot, milk jug and sugar bowl. our two tea cups are different. mine's a coffeecup kind of cup. my sis has a taller one. this is suppose to facilitiate my studying, so i can concentrate or... become smarter (please?). yep. my grandparents are here and, it's always keeping them company unless they sleep or nap. Im beginning to feel very tired mentally already. anyways. im going to fall sick soon. my throat has been very ~idunnowhat. my sister tossed me the special services sign saying im retarded and i need that last night when we went crazy. can't remember over what. yawns. kmli blogged at 6/11/2006 06:17:00 PM Church Retreat 2006
After performance, i started packing luggage for retreat at 10.30. just grabbed random clothes, counted the number of days on my fingers, figured out there are more than that number of sets of clothes and snapped my case shut. easy sum. goodbye to parents hello to freedom. goodbye to order, hello to sisterly-living. heh. jk. ![]() food was so-so. worship and sermons were quite alright. night entertainment was a little above average. overall, it was enjoyable and worthit. such things always get a gd grade from me, cos i) im usually quite gracious and generous abt things outside of my control and ii) im uncontrollably positive manyatimes. so, yea. OHyes. the discussion groups were the most fruitful. got to spend time with many people as well so, as i said, worth it. alright - more than worth it. ![]() on the last night, the ex-y4s congregated for an illegal gathering nxt to the no-entry sign at the bridge of the pool. pastor tim joined us and minusing the bad cushioning and fatigue, i enjoyed myself very much. those short sermonettes were much more my-appetite, i must say. ended our 'chat' at 1.30++am and returned to my room, finding my sister busy with something else. thanks to leanne, charissakhor and vivian for accompanying me. i was a teenyweeny bit scared within a minute of entering the room. and they came over to entertain me. so nice. got chaperoned down to 525 and planned to wait for sunrise service. but one by one, the boys died. = oh. for talent night, our group made a kprbc cheer. it actually sounded quite alright! okay. the bus-ride back was retarded cos i got myself a bump by leaninig against that window thingy at the window. ouch. ohwells. better pull up my socks and do some catchingup and revision...so many distractions. so many Better things to look forward to, to hope for. bye port dickson. hello singapore & sch work. kmli blogged at 6/09/2006 09:06:00 PM ccal camp
![]() ohkays! break up into four days la ok. Dayone = arrived at indoor gym with my giganormous backpack, sleepybag, shoebag and brownies. was very happy to receive the dryfit campshirt. lots of people arrived late and that was a spectacularly horrible phenomenon, in short. squeezed up the bus to tanahmerahferryterminal. the ferry was comfy and i loved all the bumps and waves. but xiangyu was sea-sick and vomited in between me and christopher. he ended up napping the hour's ride so i turned to the narrow gap between the window and seat to talk to raymond. he was being solemn and philosophical abt how amazing the sea is, how it's so hard to imagine what it is like under that layer of water. ya. i think the sea is so powerful and wonderful..however, because of my severe excitment, i cld not manage to be too reflective/philosophical. arrived at campsite, to find myself raising my eyebrow at the name of the campsite. 'campABLE'. isit suppose to be a confidence booster/reassurance that the campsite is 'campable'? was laughing abt it with chris. sat around, met my teacher i/c. super nice pe teacher. mr koh. changed into clothes for rafting. at rafting, we had so much trouble getting our raft made. we untied tied untied tied untied tied....last group to finish the raft, but thanks to j2 serene and mr koh, our raft went out the furthest. the beach and sea were really nice and after we rafted back, a few of us went to swim. oh and raymond picked shells - he was teaching me to take the vomit bag frm the ferry to contain shells -.- at first i was lamenting abt how i knew almost everyone in my group already, but i guess it's quite fun to be with friends you know la. then, we went back to shower. i was smart and repaired a shower curtain with julia's rubber band (though it got lost later) and managed to shower really quickly. the food packs were horrible, but good enough for camp food. like julia told me on the second night, yea, im pretty upset with how a lot of people just wasted food cos 'it doesn't taste nice'. maybe im a bit mean, but, be a leader, not a wimp. come on, it's a camp, so eat up and be more gracious perhaps? [stones pelt on kunman. woah. she's so judgemental and critical, uh?] our solo group campout was along the beach! =] was super funny cos someone read the 'BEWARE: sandflies beyond this line" sign as 'sharks'. and yaozheng was saying we can have sharksfin. yea, so the sandflies were really horrible okay. we had great food! and we survived with the solid fuel tablets. we had an extra gas lamp, so that's to the group who took our stove! we even had brownies for dessert. we strolled along the beach as a team after dinner and jeremy and ms lio provided entertainment, talking abt a lot of uh, well crap/trash. but it was super funny. haha...walked back to do reflections and i felt it went q. badly. the tent was stuffy, but i stayed in cos i was scared of the sandflies. we talked across the boys' and girls' tents and tried to come up with a story. Daytwo = had nasilemak. thankgdness there were biscuits. and the tea was very nice! i felt happy there was ice. we were told it was bound to rain. but still, we headed out for the wakatobi jungle trail. sure enough, after first checkpt, it started pouring. we were all soaked through, but thank God for the rain. i can't imagine a hot, stinky, sticky, mosquitoey hike! so we navigated, and raymond gave our group a bonus one hr of fun bashing thru plants because he keyed in the wrong coordinates and country on our GPS. (Global Positioning System) but we were so positive abt bashing through the mud/grass/trees that the j2 and our teacher willingly went along with us! =] after that, we did highropes in the afternoon, thanks to the sunny weather. did dual dangle. paired up with xiangyu. thanks for lending me your shoulder to step up on man! im a good belayer. amy says. Daythree = sleeping in that tent was awful! we did kayaking! kayaked with jeremy. we were how super fast, so fast we nearly pissed off the pointer dude. the sea and beach were really beautiful. onlyregret is that i DID NOT spot a single jellofish or any living thing. on the return leg of the journey, me and jeremy volunteered to be the sweeper - to secure our bottoms on the much coveted pink kayaks. jeremy rescued many people on the way physically. i, uh, cheered them on- very important as well. haha. nextup and lastup, team building. so happy we got steven to facilitate, he's how cool. games are quite ordinary, but i think DeltaOne enjoyed themselves. highlight was of course the stripshow by xiangyu and jeremy. campfire was really messy, but i appreciate the work of the org. comm. it's definitely not easy! what was lacking was spirit and cooperation. boo to whoever it may concern. shame. grand dinner was a compilation (hopefully a fresh compilation) of all the packet food we got for the past few days. it was a rude surprise but still, it was good enough for a camp. HIGHLIGHT: there were so manymany stars in the sky. it's not just "wow, so many stars". i was "o.o-ed" and i would describe the nightskies to be 'Littered' with skies flung everywhere. no order. but it was so pretty. times like these you just want to lie down in the sand (minus the bugs) and marvel at God's meticulous handiwork. walked back with emily. i really miss working with emily. Thank goodness she's in council and i try to catch her for a chat whenever i can. and the things we talk abt ah...tsk...require strict environmental conditions. last day = strike tents, packup, eat, play, rest, walk. the sleeping-bag drink was the best. softdrinks are too fizzy, others too sweet. returned home. byebye Bintan. lovely Bintan. kmli blogged at 6/01/2006 12:56:00 AM |
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