august summary
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 1. sec2 sis crashed rj. in full attire. we tried mugging in the canteen. but as expected, we ended up talking until mouth cram. tsk. 2. we stayed till it was veryvery dark, went up to parade sq and did cartwheels. whee. 3. ms chua my math teacher acted in the teachers' skit. she looks like a student so we took a photo. introducing chua zhi min, my new schoolmate. 4. with mitchell - the superman (who was even-more-stranded-than-me in the rain this morning). cannot see the 'S' on the cape im wearing :5. august photos august seems to have been too fun - when i should be drowning in lecture notes, mugging.
darn. why is my life more interesting than yours. i really dont mind having no life for grades. but it never happens. kmli blogged at 8/31/2006 03:12:00 PM if only there were two of me.
darn. missed dance again. THREE times missing yutaki's lesson. wahlao. yeayea. of course bensen and mitchell were entertaining. (btw. i like suaning bensen. shiok.) but what can be compared to sweating even in aircon. if there's one thing im sour abt. it's This. now i can just look retarded trying to get the style behind the alreadycomplicated moves. this is now an open invitation to the whole world. come forth to open house and just see me die. well but on the other hand, im doing emceeing with zhangrui at amphi. ok. just pray there is no net loss. kmli blogged at 8/30/2006 11:07:00 PM goodnight
tonight is a good night.
goodnight, kmli blogged at 8/29/2006 10:29:00 PM serenade me
For fate to turn the light on Your life little girl is an empty page That men will want to write on Do a 360 degrees turn and Albert Hammond sings... ....but i gave it up for music, and the free electric band... (: i love storylinedsongs. i've been thinking about life. i mean, though they are not covering that for promos. anyways. on monday, i nearly stepped into the gents at j8 - the one outside din tai fung. i really thought it was another side of the ladies. i froze at the door when i saw a man and after nerve impulses travelled to my brain, i just ran all the way without turning back, to the mrtstation. sorry indian-uncle-at-the-urinal...i didnt see anything. dont worry. but i remember you wear wearing black and jeans and you have no moustasche. darn. please forget me. kmli blogged at 8/29/2006 10:00:00 PM daymare
sista: "by the way, i dreamt that you were going to die last night, quite sad la, (me: smile, shrug, of course right?). you had cancer or something, and you were going to die. i was quite sad that you were going to die and i was crying a bit, but then i realised when you die, i will get all your clothes and jeans and etc. (me: what?!) so i wasnt that sad anymore (me: thanks man) . actually, you were suppose to just go to sleep and die. so i allowed you to sleep on my bed. but somehow, you just dragged on and you didnt die! then when mum came in to wake me up, i wanted to tell her, dont wake sis up, she's dead. (me: haha. i woke up earlier than you)
kmli blogged at 8/28/2006 10:43:00 PM note to self
[2] my cousin is growing up.
his email username is now "rugbyhotfpl". ooh. alrighto francis paul! kmli blogged at 8/26/2006 05:34:00 PM CMM.
"SEE, M and M's"
: ) fat hope you can guess it, fatter hope one of it actually happens, for real. kmli blogged at 8/21/2006 07:30:00 PM jodi picoult
![]() now i can move on with life. and yea, darn. i cried at the end. i thought the book was over, so i was caught unaware. btw, it's very cruel of her to catch me by surprise with that horrible twist. but im not complaining. tell me the ending to gattaca and i can move on faster with life. i cooked my own noodles for lunch and ... uh, it was horrible. in fact, it lies unfinished, in front of me, since 2.30. an anomaly. kmli blogged at 8/20/2006 03:13:00 PM at least one has fallen then?
now if this is happening, someone has evidently taken advantage of an err, to flaunt and dangle and tempt, for that sense of entitlement and superiority? shame on you. i say again. shame, to us. kmli blogged at 8/19/2006 07:26:00 PM retrieved archived file, 1608, 2006.
track a. catfight - the wailing sounds that they make...ew. i wanted to stand and watch, to pout at how helpless the smaller cat is, being bullied by the bigger cat. Then, because im just watching, i realise that 'eh, actually, im the bigger helpless.' glancing at my watch, i move on. "natural selection." i shrug and i walk, i mean, i march quickly on, craning my neck for any sign of 'the bus'/ 'my bus' that might be 'there'. track c. radio - i walk past the security guard on night duty. sure enough, he's guarding the night. the night of his dreams. snoring to john denver's "country roads", right on time for every beat. it must have taken a lot of concentration. who says money comes easy, right? track d. chirping - sorry. i cannot resist. here's a callout to mingsing - the rising call of a bird. ok. the bird were chirping like it was the end-of-promos at birdschool. as i was walking along marymount terrace, they were soaring towards rjc. woah. the enthusiasm of getting to school! alright. i walk faster. "thanks for the encouragement, birds". track d. anthem - i thought it was going to play on. the anthem tracks nowadays give you no hint. can't they have a unique 'ting' of a triangle, or a cool 'snap of the finger' at the final bridge before the anthem ends? that way, the national flag will know when to reach the top of the metal pole. "where it can go higher no more." where's b. better leave it out. AHA. there it is. at the 'better' place. shrugs. [2] Night Prose - going...uh...coming home. wait, that doesnt sound right. it should be "returning" home. yes. some nights i scare myself with the way i cross the roads. it's like a freak version of john denver's 'country roads, take me the place, i belong..'. it sounds so 'man-and-earth-harmonious-relationship' yeah? the urban roads take me home too. it's like walking on just because your legs have got to keep moving. like some mechanism. you can't start a nucleophilic substituition and try to halt it halfway. it's some instint thing. the nucleophile wont turn back. the traffic lights mean nothing to me cause all i see is glowing, warm shades of amber, red and green. i dont know whether the red and amber lights are for me or for the cars. i think i should follow the green light that cars usually follow, since there are no cars anyway. only the bright white headlights stop me. when i see them, i do the safest thing possible at that moment - walking the opposite way - and somehow, i end up home, along That familiar path. the headlights really do point me home. i wonder what im doing and why i never stop at a junction. inside of me, i wonder 'what-if' but i move on. it's only 'if', 'only if'.
haha. bleah. im hooked on jodi picoult's my sister's keeper. that (above) is the kind of lingo and imagery it contains. manymany hidden meanings and ok. that was an imitation good. am i trying too hard? kmli blogged at 8/16/2006 07:53:00 PM smoothie.
minimal emotions means you just 'function'. There's no need for facial expressions or extra-curricular thoughts. This is also what i sometimes term the 'auto-pilot-mode' or 'energy-saving-mode'. Very Reliable. How do you know you are mastering the art of auto-piloting? It is when you only slept 4 hours in the morning, and yet, you dont feel tired. Because, you dont think about it. (remember, no extra-curricular thoughts) The WHOLE day, i was feeling extremely bored and restless. I just wanted to do more and more work. Amazing right? although it was a little confusing at first, because i was so bored at bodyjam, but yet, in my heart, i hoped laila wouldnt stop the routines. i rather just sweat in bliss. ![]() ![]() ![]() okay. i better sleep early or i'll break my bones during dance tmr. actually, it sounds like a not-bad idea. i mean, i've never been in a cast or on a wheelchair before...just as i've never been stuck in a sch lift in sch...or encountered an escaped jaguar/leopard.. urgh. the pain of memorizing routines... i mean, im experiencing inelastic demand for brain space in preparation for the promos...=\ kmli blogged at 8/12/2006 12:51:00 AM just let me say...
the just-let-me-say series #2 -
"i hope we all desire to grow up, gracefully. " i dont know if this is the right advice for me to make. but sometimes, having your hand round things that are not yours to own, or things that do not deserve your worrying, is like having your hands round your own neck. Only having the grip to tighten. desire to grab and seize at the right things. and that alone demands so much wisdom, discernment and courage, you know? kmli blogged at 8/09/2006 11:15:00 PM sick
pleaseplease let me get well soon. im 'blowing' down many trees. kmli blogged at 8/06/2006 03:56:00 PM |
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