an idiot's guide to a secret fool-proof remedy - for idiots.
![]() nothing's better than chilled braised duck dipped in distilled white vinegar at 1.30am. music menu for the day - carole king, janis ian, alicia keys, the monkees (cool.) and of course, the daily ritualistic dose of Eagles, track number three. kmli blogged at 9/30/2006 02:00:00 AM qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
"...always been an optimistic and positive person. I don't know how or why this came about, but it's always been something I wanted to pass onto my kids. And if not the spirit, then at least the skill..."
- karen Is optimism a spirit or a skill. Discuss. kmli blogged at 9/28/2006 01:26:00 PM in america - wangting's right.
kmli blogged at 9/24/2006 12:45:00 AM breakfast = food + the many unpacked issues of newsweek
![]() kmli blogged at 9/23/2006 12:12:00 PM The traffic warden's giving me a ticket for stalling up time.
they wait for that green light all their life.
so afraid to see the glowing ambers. really tensed up for the iminent halting reds. sometimes i shudder at being given the green light that's when i realise i dont exactly know where to go. because i havnt had the time to iron out my road map. and i havnt memorised all the state symbols, like my teacher told me to. kmli blogged at 9/23/2006 01:23:00 AM as i reflect on what's coming to pass as another yesteryear.
![]() my bone growth scan using that radioactive isotope from the dept of nuclear medicine has prophesized that im still going to grow, and bone growth activity is intense. so there is still Hope and i'm going to grow taller still! (note to self: be very careful what you chat to God about) i think growing even taller would be pretty cool. as of today, i'm 1.66 cm and...55.5..fine! 56 kg. can la. no where near obesity yet. But. now that the op is pushed back till after a's... suddenly, i feel tired and disappointed that my plans are foiled, and my plans to foil plans are foiled. and i knew it was coming.if i not be 'me' for a while and watch kmli, i wouldn't recommend her for the operation either, somehow. perhaps, till next year, when i look back at this exciting episode, i will smile, shrug or laughingly roll my eyes at myself, for being so sillyly amazing - convincing surgeons and doctors from the combined clinics, conversing and negotiating with them till they commented and conceded...Long Story. no matter what, i'll never regret for the adultfriends made, the thoughts that stirred up in me on my visits. of course, i was a little impatient, trying to think my way through things, to have surgeons and op theatres fall into MY schedule, and i hate to say i was quite impressive at that. if mine's a good plan, God has an even better plan i have to say. and though i absolutely do not see how the-next-year-plan is going to be any better than mine, i'll have to give Him every benefit-of-the-doubt. if im asked to defend my plan, i think i will still be a pain and rattle off my case. but i trust God has looked through my general-project-proposal and he has made certain ammendments. And as bits and pieces of his plan comes to light, I'll be eagerly waiting His nudge, saying 'See, I told you so.' it's like being pulled back while you are about to jaywalk. you are darn sure there are NO cars in sight. you stubbornly try to fling off that hand that grabs you, before some mega-vehicle whizzes past you- shutting you up. Li Kun Man, you'll need to learn to submit, biting your lip. cheer up! kmli blogged at 9/21/2006 10:19:00 AM dinnertime
was telling her over dumplings that i think german sounds better than french. she was telling me about... Friends: I think French is very cool. Girl: ohya, i think french very cool also. Friends: Eh, do you want a French name? Girl: Ya! ok! Friends: Oh, we know, what about Lingerie Goh? Girl: ok! yay! so cool. and she responded to that name for a while till she realised what it meant. haha! tragically adorable. kmli blogged at 9/20/2006 08:45:00 PM childhood, sistahood.
#1 - old ladies (prolly diabetic) gave me free coke at burger king - so sweet of 'em. #2 - my sister said i used to tell her that you should never push the walls of an underground tunnel, esp. the mrt ones, because if you ever do, waters will flood in. well, yea, i admit i lied, but it was an application , cos when i was a little girl, my dad told me about the railway systems in the world that were built 'under the sea' to combat land shortage and long travelling times. so, i gave singapore the benefit of the doubt, forgetting we only have resevoirs = ![]() #4 - remember andrea has a song for her ex-sc teacher "do your....hang low...". my sis's class has a very bad, more subtle way of teasing a fat teacher. whenever he walks past, they will jump/jerk - to create the heavy-giant-stomping-by illusion! so fun! kmli blogged at 9/20/2006 02:03:00 PM Parents out for dinner.
Wow! (pukes.) k la, thanks. You thought it was nice anyway, right? It's the thought that counts. Let's ponder over how we can finish 'it', that is stored in the fridge right now. ohyea. ![]() Cost Benefit Analysis Best-comes-to-best -- Gerber will hail me as a most distinguished customer and I will be awarded with two-years supply of baby food. And you can bet that I will share the 'joy' with you. 'Worse'-comes-to-WorsT -- RJC bio department, The Economist, National Geographic And Gerber will take me to court, for making them star in my advertisement. Shrugs, till then- with compliments from me. kmli blogged at 9/16/2006 07:24:00 PM <3
dearest ernest, kelvin, sherman and thomas, compared to you, i probably ain't know a thing, or 1/2 a thing, or 1/4 a thing, so the geometric progression continues. it would be so good to see you guys joyful again, but i dont think anyone can pretend some things did not happen. so do make space for yourself to recover. moving on will not have to constitute forgetting, but rather, it is remembering, with the right mindset i guess.
![]() was just wandering through my thoughts about unpredictability, just as i have been about my future (heh, what future..) for the past few days. Well. I dont know about tomorrow, you mean you do? - who does, but He - I don't know kmli blogged at 9/14/2006 10:27:00 PM the squid-octopus dilemma
Octopuses eat bottom-dwelling crustaceans. Squids eat fishes and shrimps. pardon my parent-child conversation posts, but this is what it means to be grounded. had squid for dinner, and as i was dabbling it in wasabi <3 style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">"hey, you adults use to tell me squids are octopuses. (e.g. 'hey, come, eat this giant octopus' or 'you got to try to chew up this Big octopus...' - prolly to instill a sense of excitment about a dinner dish). And there was a point of time when i got really confused, seriously, i was battling that thought of how when they sell 'octopuses' they have to sell it in great amounts because they are so huge. so the market would have sudden influxes of 'em. OR do they chop of single tentacles, breed the octopus and wait for the tentacle to re-grow, since lizards grow tails etc. OR why are the octopuses i see in disney films - e.g. littlemermaid's ursula has such huge tentacles, so why are those on the dinner tablel so thin..." "but they're in the, they look alike, so we werent really that wrong, right?" darn. they dont regret lying, do they?
kmli blogged at 9/09/2006 09:45:00 PM a feat only S'pore can manage to pull-off.
cna has these imf/worldbank adverts after each news segment, in view of the impending imf conference at suntec. daddy was saying the conference is next week, and no overseas groups have made suggestions/applications to protest. it's always been history that local/overseas groups protest at these conferences about worldtrade, globalisation... so daddy asked me if it's 'good'. bleah. always cringe when oldermen ask questions with an educational motive, but in a politician/ seasoned-executive kind of way. i mean, they might not be conscious of it, but it's super top-down and well, arrogant. but (i) it's my dad, so i'll allow him and (ii) i have a feeling we'll all grow up to be like that, but i pray i will strike a good balance. really. so daddy-o was asking if it's 'good'. me: dad: why. me: uh...i dunno?!? dad: is it good? what would you say when you've to write an article for gp. thinks: [hohoho dad, you dont know the new gp do you? uh..write?] me: what do You think? is that good? dad: aha, im asking you! me: yea. i said i dont know. im asking you now. why dont they want to come and protest? dad: yeah! that's the essential question. me: there's no use protesting...? dad: no. it's not whether there's a use. me: as in it's too' mean really nobody wants to come? dad: yea. i mean, nobody has made the 'application' to protest. me: okay. so why. do you have an answer yourself, dad. thinks: you better. ok. to cut the long story short. supposedly, it goes to show how the talk/proclaimation about freedom of speech has fallen to doubtful ears. (i) from what the world/potential protestors see, singapore is not the place that can accomodate such stuff. (and i must say in this field of economic discussion, they have real, solid, valid points, as do world leaders with their agenda for handling globalisation and inflation) and that's sad. it's quite a sign for failure, is it not? i feel a society should not just be measured by how clean the streets are, how green the nation is, how every branch and stalk is trimmed etc. somethings speak volumes, of successes - in security and order, and of even greater 'socalledfailures'. when can we hit the spot for regulated-freedom? well, suntec is safe now. not only suntec is cordoned off, that whole area is. business has dropped 30% and employees have 1.5 hours allowance for being late because of security checks. oh, relax fellow-singaporeans, the IR will come to save us, with increased employment opportunities and generation of revenue. just wait. a little while more. this reminds me of the rp3 event, going to ntuc's 45th anniversary talk by lee kuan yew. when he first went onto the podium, before he warmed up to talk, he looked really sick and frail. for a moment, i was very afraid mm would die very soon. happy birthday. kmli blogged at 9/09/2006 04:25:00 PM destress helplines 1800s
Helpline Extension 2 Helpline Extension 3 the pw power. yea. projectwork's about smoking. kmli blogged at 9/09/2006 03:42:00 PM bumper sticker
kmli blogged at 9/09/2006 03:29:00 PM i did the macarena with my cell phone because the voices told me to do so.
January----- I kicked February----- I loved March----- I smoked April----- I dry humped May----- I choked on June----- I murdered July----- I did the Macarena with August----- I had lunch with September----- I danced with October----- I sang to November----- I yelled at December----- I ran over Pick the day (number) you were born on: 1------- a birdbath 2------- a monster 3------- a phone 4------- a fork 5------- a Mexican 6------- a gangster 7------- my cell phone 8------- my dog 9------- my best friends boyfriend 10------ my neighbor 11------- my science teacher 12------- a banana 13------- a fireman 14------- a stuffed animal 15------- a goat 16------- a pickle 17------- your mom 18------- a spoon 19------- myself 20------- a baseball bat 21------- a ninja 22----- a model 23------- a noodle 24------- a squirrel 25------- a football player 26------- my sister 27------- my brother 28------- an ipod 29------ a permanent marker 30------- a llama 31------- a homeless guy Pick the color of shirt you are wearing: White------because I'm cool like that. Black-------because that's how I roll. Pink--------because I'm NOT a homosexual Red--------because the voices told me to do so Blue--------because I'm sexy and I do what I want Green-----because I hate myself. Purple-----because I'm cool. Gray-------because I was drunk. Yellow-----because someone offered me1,000,000> dollars. Orange----because I hate my family. Brown-----because I was high. Other------because I'm a ninja. None-------because I can't control myself. [gulps] coke's gd. kmli blogged at 9/07/2006 09:51:00 PM demise of steve irwin
![]() Crocodile hunter.. no more. and agassi's leaving too. i bet he sure cry one. =( kmli blogged at 9/04/2006 06:26:00 PM project-love-mum&dad-more
dad: oh. i saw one at ikea the other day. me: i only want those classroom-clocks, you know? dad: yea, i'll go look around. me: actually. im fine using my watch and hp. im just saying they look good. dad: (shows me catalogue) this kind? me: uh, well, yea...this one looks a bit exam-ly and 'rude'. not that classy. dad: what about this? me: its okay. i dont know. daddy-o's "hey presto" - poof! : clock. dad: you want a mini clip fan for your upstairs bed? me: oh, i dont mind. but im more-than-okay currently. dad: i can get you one...blahblahjargon... me: actually. dont think i need it. daddy-o's "hey presto" - poof! : miniclipfan. dad: how abt a night lamp for your upstairs bed so you can read at night. me: hey those are cool. dad: yea. it would be good to have one me: Wait daddy. there's no way i'll read in bed without falling asleep after a minute. daddy-o's "hey presto" - poof! : reading-lamp. and mum has been nice also. with the rainbowrangeofcolors muji notebooks...=this does not rock. this stinks to the core. they meet their 'deadlines' within 24hrs everysingletime, and i fail to do the exact thing every single time. and my dad is trying as best as possible to watch me with owl?eagle? eyes as promos creep near. if i dont do well/better/ohwell..i dunno... then i will have no proper substantiation for any argument for any activity during holidays. and i mean any=every. and basically - i not only have to lose my case against dad the prosecutor, i have to Surrender! to every charge brought against me. argh. it's all these little things, and it's rather touching. it would be easy to slip into a project-love-mumanddadd-more phase being cautious. and silly. now. if you could spare me the love that's transcribed and translated from raw expectations. kmli blogged at 9/03/2006 11:47:00 PM Don't smoke ok.
![]() ![]() ![]() Smoking is not cool. kmli blogged at 9/03/2006 06:19:00 PM |
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